Our laundry liquids are feeling the cold

Has your laundry liquid gone cloudy? Don't worry, it's just a bit chilly.
We’ve noticed our laundry liquids are feeling the cold. The recent drop in temperatures has caused some laundry liquids to go cloudy and change appearance.
We want to let you know it’s nothing to worry about and they’re still perfectly safe to use as normal. It won’t affect the stain busting properties either.
Without getting too technical, it’s a challenge we face from using plant-based ingredients. The ingredients derived from vegetable fats change in appearance when they’re cold.
Have you ever seen an olive oil go cloudy when it gets too cold? – it’s the same thing!
If this has happened to your laundry liquid, just leave it for a few hours in a warm room. When it’s cleared, give it a good shake and you’ll be ready to put a wash on.
If you have any questions, we are here to help.
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