How to plant your wildflowers
If you love wildflowers like we do, you may be ready to take your relationship to the next level.
Planting wildflowers is a beautiful way to not only add pops of colour to your garden, but support local wildlife too. Here's how to plant your wildflowers like a pro — the Wilton way.
Get your foundation ready
First things first you'll need to get your green space ready to welcome your wildflowers.
Wildflowers thrive in tall grass, so pick a patch in your lawn that hasn't been mowed in a while. Avoid using any compost or fertiliser too as wildflowers grow best in poor soil.
Creating your wildflower meadow
Now that your foundations ready, it's time to get to planting.
We personally love Shasta Daisies, Morning Glories and Marigolds as they're quite easy to grow (so don't worry about having a green thumb). Whatever you do, remember to always use UK native seeds to avoid introducing new species of plants.
To plant wildflowers simply scatter about 5g per square metres across your plot. Make sure to rake the soil and check the seeds are nicely tucked in. Your wildflowers will need lots of hydration — so make sure to water them 2-3 times a week for the first 4-6 weeks (after that, every month will do).
Be patient
On average Wildflowers take around two weeks to germinate, and about 45-60 days to bloom (but the results are well worth it).
As long as they have water, oxygen and sun there's not much maintenance needed on your end. So you can just sit back, relax and let your fabulous garden do its thing.
Where can I buy Wildflower seeds?
From Wilton, of course. To celebrate World Bee Month, we’re giving away free wildflower seed packets with every order to help save the bees that keep our eco-system thriving.
Each packet has enough to create your own 10-20sqft patch of beautiful bee friendly native wildflowers (if you sow yours this month you should have blooms this summer). Order now to get yours today.
P.S - If you need more British Wildflower Seeds sells some lovely ones, but if you don't want to order online you can usually find them at your local farmers market or garden shop (we love the one at Kew Gardens).
When should I start planting my Wildflowers?
The prime times to plant Wildflowers Mid March to Mid May and Mid August to Mid October. Time to get to planting.