The Wilton London Botanical Fragrance Garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024
Move over monty, we’re bringing Shoreditch to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show with our botanical garden designed by the talented Penelope Hill Smith.
As you know, we’re obsessed with all things botanical, so our garden has been designed to feature plants and botanicals that we use to make our products.
Explore the Garden
Trachelospermum Jasminoides
Scent notes: Sweet, heady floral top note, we accompany it with a powdery ylang ylang
Native to the UK, this evergreen self-twinning climbing jasmine is covered with heady perfumed star shaped white blooms. Its glossy dark green leaves turn bronze in winter. It has a long flowering period with a strong scent that will fill your garden.
Shop our Jasmine Fabric Care
Lavandula Angustifolia 'munstead'
Scent notes: Sweet, floral & herbaceous with a hint of pine.
A classic English Lavender variety, 'Munstead' is known for its calming scent and violet-blue flowers. It's aromatic foliage that are perfect for edging pathways and garden borders. This hardy perennial is drought-tolerant and thrives in well-drained soil, making it an excellent choice for creating fragrant, low-maintenance landscapes.
Shop Lavender Fabric Care
Eucalyptus Gunnii Azure
Scent notes: Minty, woody & citrusy middle note known for its fresh clean aroma.
A beautiful Eucalyptus variety that has intense silvery blue foliage and a compact bushy habit making it ideal for all gardens. Although like all Eucalyptus it is a fast-growing tree, it is a little slower than others varieties and is prunable and exceptionally frost hardy.
Well done. Please restock on 4ltre refills. Consider bigger 20ltre option like Fath in Nature.
Steven Athorn on