Simple ways to make cleaning more fun
When we think of cleaning the word 'fun' doesn't always come to mind. But why not?
Making your home shine should always be an enjoyable experience. Here's a few simple tips to making cleaning more enjoyable, every time.
Pop on a playlist
There's nothing like having a clean with your favourite tunes in the background. Want some recommendations? We've got a clean up playlist made you for.
Involve the family
If you're prepping for a big clean (like a spring clean perhaps?) you shouldn't do it alone. Grab the family and make a day of bringing your home back to life.
Catch up with a friend
We all have that person we say we've been meaning to call for ages, but never do. Whether it's your grandparents or an old friend, skip the texts and social media and give them a ring instead — all while cleaning out your closet.
Make a list
There's something oddly satisfying about ticking off a to-do list, so why not put it to good use? Make a 'clean list' of all the bits you have to do around the house and tick it off as you go.
Use Wilton
At Wilton we believe doing chores should never feel like a chore. That's why we've made beautifully scented cleaning products (that are eco-friendly, too) so you never have to compromise between a good clean and a good time.